

Shooting of Mercedes Gelandewagen in Moscow

Yesterday 22 May at the Volgograd prospectus was shot Mercedes Gelandewagen with 2 mens inside,all are killed.

They say that they were from some OPG(Organizovannaya prestupnaya gruppirovka,Organized criminal group)came to talk with someone.

Opg term I will use in the future,is not band(a),is called OPG,it's more correctly.

With anchor on the chest,sailor?


Since the beginning of the month in Moscow was at least 3 shootings.Two firsts occurred the night of 6 May.First was Mercedes with azerbaijanian businessman who died on way to hospital and then tried to kill dagestan buisinessman but he survived.

A week later, on Cherkizovo market in Moscow was killed in BMW two azerbaijanian.


Say that the reason of the noise is construction business of Moscow.

Russian criminal tattoo

Window with bars mean "Here is my youth".
On index finger on left hand mean "Was in prison for juvenile with respect".Its not respect its word "Borzo",like with respect,was in prison serious.I think seriousness here mean crown.
russian criminal tattoo

Interesting made tattoos this guy.Look,he have tattoos not below the elbow and knee.Why?I think it special for summer,for wear t-shirt and shirts,for people not see that he was prisoner and i think i right.