

Showing posts with label Aphorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aphorism. Show all posts

If you follow the truth - you will be erased till the ass

Aphorism on feet
Another tattoo If you follow the truth - you will be erased till the ass. Probably the tattoo was made in a tattoo parlor, like this one.

Strong aphorism

It's mean something like "Do not you bitches in my soul to dig".


"If you follow the truth - you will be erased till the ass" or something like that. What does mean? That is what it means. By the way, this prison aphorism was made in a tattoo studio. There is also a tattoo They are tired of looking for happiness.

Old tattoo


I go to where there is no labour, where there is no law and court.

I live a sin, will die funny


This is aphorism, translated some like I live a sin, will die funny.