

Showing posts with label Virgin Mary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virgin Mary. Show all posts

Fiesta San Fermín is over.People sing a song "Pobre de mí, Pobre de mí, que se han acabado las fiestas de San Fermín." (Poor me, poor me, the fiestas of San Fermín are now over).


Girls run too


I wrote yesterday that was the last encierro of San Fermin.I was wrong, the last encierro was today.Video

Some photos(not this San Fermin)

So drink at the San Fermin



Seventh race,last

Well, that's was the last encierro of San Fermin but holiday has not yet expired.How it ends i will write tomorrow and will post video too if it will upload.
Here is BMW in which I lived the last day of last year at San Fermin.This is not my car, I do not know whose.I see an open BMW,climbed and began to live there.But my BMW was with two doors.

Fifth encierro

Yesterday at the San Fermin died a runner first from year 1995.In year 2003 one was wounded then for a few months died.

Encierro of 13 July 1995

Until the fiesta not endsi will put photos of tattoos of protection.

Fourth encierro

At 2.50 you can see how the shepherds in green t-shirt beaten with sticks people.Why: because you can not touch the bull!
Last year on the arena when the bull hooked runner for shoes!We began to hold a bull to remove guy and here i feeling that me beat with legs.At that moment I did not know why.

Mama v zakone

russian criminal tattoo

On the left side where is the snake's head written Wife,on the right Mother in law.On the chest To each his own.

WOW!!!I did't know that Tioscha in english is Mother in law(Mat' v zakone)!Some like Thief in law(Vor v zakone)!What discovery!!!!!
Son in law,Daughter in law etc.
russian criminal tattoo

On the right shoulder possibly have american dollar.How much and what mean that dollar i don't know.
russian criminal tattoo

Interesting made tattoos this guy.Look,he have tattoos not below the elbow and knee.Why?I think it special for summer,for wear t-shirt and shirts,for people not see that he was prisoner and i think i right.
russian criminal tattoo
russian criminal tattoo

On left hand can see fire of candle.

Russian criminal tattoo

russian criminal tattoo

Under collarbone posible CAT.
Virgin Mary have on under collarbone some thing like stars.I don't know its from religion or it's fantasy of prisoner.
On right hand have crucifix.
On left hand possibly This is what is killing us(knife,woman,drugs etc.).In russian its called BARDAK(BARDACHOK).
On the chest where the heart i don't know what but i interesting.
From left and right virgins candles possibly its mean Until the candle burns,i live.
Bat on chest on right - Night thief.